Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Best Energy Policy is No Energy Policy

By David Linton

I would hate to count the number of times I have heard over the course of the past year how we need to develop a national energy policy to insure our national energy security.  Sure, this sounds great.  Today the primary sources of our energy are those entities that hate America and its way of life.  We do need to move to a posture in our nation that seeks secure domestic sources of energy so as to prevent constraints to the flow of energy by those who hate us.

We have vast amounts of energy resources: coal, oil, natural gas, petroleum, wind, and solar.  We have been discovering surprising new sources of energy over the past few years.   It is far past time to move in a direction to develop these resources.  What policy should we implement?  What energy sources should we develop?  How should we go about developing them? 

While we talk about developing a coherent national energy policy, we should be clear that we do have a national energy policy now.  It may be haphazard.  It may be a patchwork.  But there is a national energy policy.  Our national energy policy is being forced on us by a restrictive national government.  EPA is threatening power generation with stringent emission limits.  The global warming pseudo science would ban the use of coal.  We subsidize many forms of green power.  The national government is prohibiting the development of the Keystone Pipeline.  Regulations and threatened regulations discourage energy development all across the nation.  Like it or not, this is a national energy policy.

Certainly, there are many voices that champion new energy policies.  The Republican Party is pushing the Keystone Pipeline.  There are those in Oklahoma and in the Dakotas that are encouraging gas development in those regions.  Wind power is making gains in the mid-west.  So which of these policies do we embrace?

I hope in this last question you see the circular reasoning of the whole fallacy of a “national energy policy.”  Any “national energy policy” suggests a policy set by our national regulators.  Discussing a “national energy policy” inherently suggests giving the power to make the call on what to pursue to those who regulate us.  We should have learned the lesson by now that those that regulate our lives do not make the best calls.  Our constitutional republic, for good or ill, is not designed to develop a good consistent policy on anything.  Our system is designed through power checks and balances to guard the liberty of the citizens against the power of the central government.

If we are to achieve a good energy policy that will insure national energy security, we must adopt the goal of having no energy policy at all.  We must approach the problem in a manner that is consistent with the way our system is designed.  We must handle it though government guarding liberty and not the policy developed within the interests of the regulators.  We must remove the regulatory shackles that restrict industry and the ingenuity of a free market place.  Our slave masters in Washington, D.C. are driven by control and reelection.  Our private industries are driven by profit.  Profit motive in this context is a good thing.  Allowing each individual entrepreneur assess the profit potential for each energy source in this nation will be the quickest way to energy independence.  By the very nature of the free market, each entrepreneur will seek to develop the most beneficial, efficient, and profitable form of energy available.   This is the best energy policy and will bring us energy security.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Call to Immediately Fire Jackie Bemboom!

From:  Kerry K. Messer,

Call to Immediately Fire Jackie Bemboom!

The Department of Revenue is headed by a Director (Brian Long, since 12/13/2012, and Alana Barragan-Scott (who has worked for Nixon since 1993) Director for the bulk of the scandal timeframe, ).  Below the Director is the Deputy Director John Mollenkamp.  From there the Department is subdivided into four (4) Divisions, including Jackie Bemboom, Director of the Motor Vehicle and Driver Licensing Division.

Of all the people (and now other agencies) involved in the rogue DOR scandal – Jackie Bemboom has played the most central part.  At every turn it is her name and direct oversight
that bears the highest connectivity to the many unlawful actions related to this growing scandal.  If there is one key player who has the most involvement it is Jackie Bemboom. 
Her fingerprints are on more documents and details than everyone else combined!

·         DOR violates the Driver’s Protection Act which prohibits the collection of personally identifying information.  Scanning citizen’s documents and creating a new database of information violates privacy rights.  Jackie Bemboom created and coordinated the implementation of this new licensing system!

·         DOR violates the State’s anti-Real ID Act which prohibits implementation of Real ID.  Using funds from Homeland Security, they work covertly to create driver licenses that are “compatible” to Real ID knowing the DHS defines “compatible” as the same as “compliant” with Real ID.  Jackie Bemboom was directly responsible for the administration of Homeland Security grants that were ‘hidden’ from the public and the Legislature!

·         DOR violates explicit Statutory prohibition against using biometric cameras.  Under oath it was Jackie Bemboom who had to admit that she had the option of using basic digital cameras, but chose voluntarily to contract (at higher prices) the use of illegal biometric cameras!

·         DOR violates Missouri’s Concealed Carry Weapons law which prohibits the disclosure of endorsees private identification to anyone other than law enforcement on an individual case by case bases.  Utilizing a private vendor for “central issuance” and by creating a database assessable by fee office agents (currently discontinued) violates this provision on two fronts. Jackie Bemboom agreed to the details and signed the contract with the French company Safran’s subsidiary MorphoTrust USA, giving them, and possibly DHS, Missourians CCW status!

·         DOR violates the State Disposition of State Property laws.  Having originally misled everyone to believe the old license processing equipment was only leased, DOR now says that equipment was purchased with taxpayers money.  If this story is the true one (?) DOR has violated State Statutes regarding disposition of State property by allowing the new private vendor to take  possession and destroy that equipment.  Jackie Bemboom signed the contract allowing MorphoTrust USA to take possession of State property for the purpose of destroying it, in direct violation of the law!  

·         DOR violated strict privacy protection laws by releasing the entire list of 163,000 Missouri citizen’s with CCW endorsements!  Jackie Benboom is the immediate Director over the division that had maintenance and responsibility for the confidentiality of this protected list, yet she allowed it to be released!

Jackie Bemboom, who holds a BS in Criminal Justice Administration, has no excuse for playing dumb about her role in this massive muli-year scandal and cover-up.  She has been involved in virtually every step of the conversion from our old and effective licensing process system, to today. She has never once taken the opportunity to speak up!  With multiple violations of State Statutes, she has time and again agreed to conspire against the citizens of Missouri and the elected members of the General Assembly!

Jackie Bemboom serves voluntarily as a director of the AAMVA, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.  This is the national group responsible for producing the “AAMVA DL/ID Security Framework, A Package of Decisions Based on Best Practices, Standards, Specifications and Recommendations to Enhanced Driver’s License Administration and Identification Security”.   While organized as a “private” entity, the AAMVA is a foreign international effort working from federal funding to develop, among other things, biometric technology for all of North America!

To complicate Jackie Bemboom’s conflicts of interest and subterfuge as an active leader within AAMVA while serving as Director of the Licensing Division of DOR – AAMVA was involved in
laying the groundwork development and promotion of the passage of the federal Real ID Act!  Certainly her position with both the State of Missouri and AAMVA is a direct conflict of interest!  
(visit: for evidence and documentation of details in this message.)

Jackie Bemboom was fully aware of the 2011 Region III Information Exchange between states, with a Jurisdictional Showcase on Missouri DMV.  The PowerPoint presentation at that time 10/4/2011) included a “Real ID Communication Plan” including the “12-month timeline”.  Followed by a discussion of the challenges of “sending the right messages to the citizens of Missouri since we are prohibited from changing procedures to be REAL ID compliant”!

Jackie Benboom must be fired immediately! 

Contact your House and Senate members in Jefferson City to express your concern that Jackie Bemboom must be fired today! 

Call on Director Brian Long to fire her immediately! 

Call Governor Nixon and demand that she be fired now!

Friday, April 5, 2013

 The Blackstone Initiative –
Declaring the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God 

 Q.         Who was Sir William Blackstone?

Sir William Blackstone was a renown English barrister, law professor, jurist, legislator, lecturer, and commentator.  But his most notable achievement was the writing of his Commentaries on the Laws of England.  The Commentaries, first publish in 1765, were cited and quoted by the Founding Fathers and by the early American courts more than any English or American authority.  They are, therefore, foundational to any understanding of the American constitutional and legal system.

Q.         What did the Commentaries say about the law?
Blackstone wrote about the Law of Nature, “This law of nature, being coeval with mankind and dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other - It is binding over all the globe in all countries, and at all times; no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such of them as are valid derive all their force, and all their authority, mediately or immediately, from this original.

He also wrote about the Law of Revelation, “The doctrines thus delivered we call the revealed or divine law, and they are to be found only in the holy scriptures.  These precepts, when revealed, are found upon comparison to be really a part of the riginal law of nature, as they tend in all their consequences to man's felicity.”

He concluded, therefore, “Upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation, depend all human laws; that is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these.”
Q.       What is the Blackstone Initiative?

The Blackstone Initiative is a public policy organization devoted to this principle that upon these two foundations the law of nature and the law of Scripture depend all human law and that no human laws shall be suffered to contradict these.

Q.       What further principles is the Blackstone Initiative founded upon?

All subsequent and subordinate principles derive from the original principle.  For the present, the Blackstone Initiative proposes the following subordinate principles:
1.        The United States federal government is subservient to the state governments except in those limited enumerated powers granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution.
2.       The U.S. Constitution has a fixed meaning as originally written and ratified by the original thirteen colonies.  Any effort to make the U.S. Constitution a “living document” vacates it of all meaning and, ironically, destroying it in its very purpose, causes it to die.
3.       The word “federal,” being in meaning “covenantal,” the federal government was and is a product of a binding covenant between the states, the people and God, namely the U.S. Constitution, and failure of the federal government to be faithful to said covenant makes it null and void.
4.       Education is the process of inculcating a God loving culture in one generation by the prior generation and, therefore, education is not within the authority of the government except and only insofar as it fosters a legal climate in which education can be accomplished by individual families and the church.
5.       God’s primary tool of cultural change is the covenant renewal worship of His people.

Q.       How will these principles be pursued?
1.     By publication of substantive statements of position,
2.    By instruction on the foundational principles of this nation, and
3.    Interaction with Missouri legislators on Scriptural principles pertaining to legislation, and
4.    Dialogue with churches regarding these principles.

Q.       How can you help?