Friday, August 7, 2009

Returning to Covenantal Thinking

It is time for this nation to return to covenantal thinking. Just as Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham, saying I will be your God and you will be my people, the national government made a covenant with the people more than two hundred years ago. In that covenant, “We the People . . .” agreed, among other things, that each of us has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have allowed that right to be infringed gradually over the years in return for a sense of “social security” or "entitlements" in one form or another. Now there is an expectation at the federal level that that national government can deny the people their right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in return for managing their health. But the management of my health means the management of my life. This is tyranny of the highest order. If you want to understand how this all came about, I recommend a book, Cry Wolf , an insightful view of how a covenant community is tricked by those outside the covenant into accepting a breach of the covenant for their benefit. Once lost, a covenant is hard to recover.

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