Monday, April 12, 2010

Thank you, Ed.

Missouri Capitol Report
Representative Ed Emery
District 126
April 12, 2010
Vision for Life
“Where there is no vision, the people perish…”
Ancient Hebrew proverb

Tuesday before Easter the Missouri House debated a major pro-life bill sponsored by Representatives Cynthia Davis and Bryan Pratt, HB 1327/2000. The bill passed overwhelmingly with 113 yes votes and only 37 voting no. The overwhelming vote followed lengthy and passionate debate – both for and against saving the lives of our most helpless and innocent. Some of you may have been watching or listening on that day which was Missouri Right to Life day at the Capitol.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, this nation has not recognized a right to life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness for the lives in the womb. For 190+ years in America, mothers found it unthinkable to deliberately kill their own child. It is against Natural Law and against conscience, which explains why it was only done in secret. Not even the animal kingdom is guilty of such savagery.

Since that tragic and deadly court decision, 50 million Americans including thousands of Missourians have been killed either in or as they exited the womb. I cannot think about those censured lives without wondering how many Albert Einsteins, Thomas Edisons, George Washington Carvers, Andrew Carnegies, Booker T. Washingtons, or Madame Curries have been killed in that 50 million? How many solutions for today were never born or will be delayed for decades even if abortion stops? Policies can transform culture and morals, and morals have consequences for future generations.

Mothers once had great visions for the future of their children – visions of greatness and success. However, the demise of the family structure has shifted perspective from generational to contemporary; from character to achievement; from legacy to consumption; from inheritance to indebtedness. We have become the “now” generation, which results from a lack of vision; “Where there is no vision, the people perish…”

The Israelite king David described the absurdity of abortion when he explained certain governments of his day. He said they “…frame mischief by a law… and condemn the innocent blood.” One day (soon, I hope) America will come to its senses. In the meantime your legislature continues to legislate wherever we can to protect life and family. We must seek to remind young mothers of “…the laws of nature and of nature’s God…” We must help enlarge their vision for the important accomplishments of their yet-unborn children. Missouri can and must lead the way on behalf of future generations.

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